Category Archives: Property Development

Adventures in Ghanaian Real Estate

Time to catch up on my Ghana journaling. On my second Tuesday in Accra, my good friends and colleagues at Emos Consultancy arranged for me to meet with the managing director of NTHC Properties. This is the property development arm of National Trust Holding Company, one of Ghana’s oldest and largest investment firms.

The MD is a long time veteran of the Ghanaian property industry He pointed out that the high end of the market is not yet saturated but could eventually get there. Meanwhile there is nearly insatiable demand in the affordable segment serving the middle and lower middle of the market. This expert suggest improving existing properties to minimize cost rather than starting brand new developments. This strategy underpins NTHC Properties bear tern strategy.

The following day I met with in Asian entrepreneur regarding two vastly different ventures. One that provides affordable housing in the agribusiness sector. The other is a luxury apartment complex. Both projects have elements of risk as well as strong upsides. Thankfully, land title does not appear to be an issue. There are other challenges to work through. We are looking forward to providing our expertise to help shepherd these projects to completion under the right conditions.



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